task variable

英 [tɑːsk ˈveəriəbl] 美 [tæsk ˈveriəbl]

网络  作业变量; 任务变量; 变项



  1. This scenario shows how you can transform a static task file into dynamic file transfers using the variable substitution function available in the resource monitor.
  2. So the task duration is not a single real number, rather it is a random variable that describes the likelihood of completion within a certain range of time.
  3. A Cheat Sheet is a program that helps you accomplish a complex task that involves a variable series of subtasks.
  4. The above module showed how to add people resolution to your human task using expressions and multiple input values, which uses a business object variable with array inputs.
  5. Making this task easy helps ensure that method, variable, and class names indicate their intent clearly.
  6. If no output is provided for an invoke or human task activity, the process variable is not updated.
  7. Now that a task file has been modified to include the variable substitution notation required for this scenario, you can define the resource monitor.
  8. Task design variables include task input, task condition and task outcome varia-bles, and each variable still includes some design factors.
  9. To access multiple local files, the FTP task must use a variable to provide the path information.
  10. In this case we define a variable newTask that we initialize with a new Task entity instance.
  11. The main task of this dissertation is to study the dynamic modeling, simulation, and software implementation in multibody systems with variable topology.
  12. Incorrect message type value received! Message Queue Task only accepts global variable message, string message and data file message.
  13. For example, a property expression can update the to line that a send mail task uses by inserting an e-mail address that is stored in a variable.
  14. Routing protocol is the most challenge task in Ad hoc network because of its rapid variable topology.
  15. It is a tough task to pick up the valuable information from the variable data for further decision analysis, because of the data comes from different data base which have different structure and storage style.
  16. Use interest rate as a major variable to realize profit fine management; The main task of the paper is to control a Major Variable Pitch Wind Turbine Generator with intelligent controller so as to make it run well.
  17. Task goal is an effective predicted variable of all dimensions of personality characteristic, Performance-avoidance orientation is also an effective predicted variable of the extroversion-introversion and neuroticism of teacher.
  18. Based on using task possible start time as decision variable to formally describe all kinds of hard constraints and objective function, the Space TT& C System optimal scheduling 0-1 integral programming model is constructed.
  19. Previous research showed that group effectiveness was influenced by many factors, including individual characteristics, organizational context, task property, and group process etc. And group process was considered as the mediator and/ or moderator variable to group effectiveness.
  20. When using task possible start time as decision variable of Space TT C System optimal scheduling, additional constraint is imposed on TT C task execution time.
  21. The effort that insurance agent dedicates to the task is divided into three parts for further consideration and the incentive mechanism on the state of the world of a random variable following Poisson distribution and normal distribution is separately discussed.
  22. In predicting task performance, the active social behaviors are not significant. 4, Active social behavior can be a mediator variable in the impact of the organization socialization tactics on the work performance.
  23. The characteristics of using task possible start time as decision variable of Space TT& C System optimal scheduling is discussed.
  24. However, this project work range and the relationship between complex, engineering emergency, short time limit, task, and unknown variable factors is various, certainly will increase the project risk and technical difficulties.